Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Space of my Own

Today I decided to create a writing space somewhere in my home. That way I will have a spot to go to when I feel inspired. I don't have enough space to have a room to myself so I had to make do with what I did have.


I chose a corner in our living room. It's well lit, has windows surrounding, and is close to my books.


Of course this means I will be writing within the confines of a well lived room with television and all. This will be the challenge.


Here is a picture of what the corner looked like before I transformed it into a comfy writing space.

I have been reading articles and checking out blogs lately on how other writers feel about their writing space. So many are very much interested in having a space of their own for writing. Others don't really care as long as it's quiet and alone.


I'm a mother of a three year old as well as a fourteen year old. So being alone is a rarity. In fact some days the only private time I get (and I have to sneak to get it) is when I use the restroom. The idea of quiet is a laugh really, so why fight it any longer? I thought maybe if I centrally located myself in the home, right smack in the middle of things, put on some headphones and put my nose in my computer or notebook, maybe, just maybe, I might be left alone.


I know when I write I get in a zone so I know I must look busy! Right? My husband and teenager are bound to see this and think twice before approaching as well keeping the three year old busy for a bit. I see them looking at me often...thinking now doubt, "what could she be writing about?"..."Is it really necessary for me to interrupt her to ask where the bread is? Maybe I should open the fridge and look for it myself"...hmmm...(This is what I'm hoping for anyway).


So here is my new Writing Space. Bordeaux, my writing partner approved immediately.

Virginia there to watch over me. I love this picture of her. I have plenty of pens and pensils and books, notebooks and a few small items that make me comfortable.

(Mind you, I used what I had around...I may end up going to the store and picking up some small items to make an even more comfortable spot.)

Like I said this spot has great light, windows, and is close to my books.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Remembered Moment

Somewhere in a remembered moment, I can feel the damp air flowing gracefully in through the open screen doors on each side of me. The sun behind the stormy clouds are throwing squiggly shadows about the walls that dance and play, appearing and then vanishing. Soon the wind picks up and carries the salty air off the ocean and into my small room, filling each tiny part. I breath it in deeply with my eyes closed, hold it, so as not to lose it quickly, and then little by little and with ease, I let it out.
Opening my eyes they rest on a small leaf, reddened with autumn, it’s holding on, threatening to never let go, to a branch on the tree outside my window. A brisk current of chilly air invites it to fall, the leaf, obliging, releases; it sails down, down, in silence, swaying in mid air until it rests gently amongst its peers; already basking on the earth’s skin in small heaps.
Not far off in the distance, through the Red Woods and the Pines I start to hear the Pacific breaking over the rocks, whooshing and cooing with what seems like deep breaths, a living creature, thrashing and gaining power with the rapidly approaching thunderstorm. The cold, yawning and mysterious waters: green and blue swells breaking into swirls of frothy white caps. Its power and magnetism calls to me and I want to run to it, like a long lost companion, begging for my reflection.
The bouquet of salt intertwined with the purity of the promised rain and the Pine Trees becomes overwhelmingly intoxicating. I lay my head down, giving into the moment. My body melts and I feel keenly aware of every splinter of my being, I am entirely tranquil. I drift away, tenderly, hearing the sweet melody of a perfect coastal afternoon.
We used to play together, the sea and I. It delivered me beautiful glistening Agates of indigo and flushed cream. Its waters caressed my toes and ankles when life was cruel and gave me a sense of oneness when I felt disconnected. Its waves reassured me when I needed a prayer. I laughed in its sparkles on many bright summer mornings and envisioned my future at the tip of its beginning. My days were born and expired between its tides.
Somewhere in a remembered moment, I was where I am meant to be.